
OffensiveWeb is a documentation website about security research, difficult concepts, bypass and new exploitation techniques.

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Service Worker

A Service Worker runs in the background of a web application, it provides various features such as caching, push notifications, and offline functionality.

Browser Cache

Temporary storage location on a user's device where web browsers store website data, to improve the user's browsing experience by reducing page load times.

Prototype Pollution

Manipulate the prototype of an object in a JavaScript application, leading to unexpected behavior and potential compromise of the application.

Request Smuggling

Manipulate the HTTP requests and responses in a way that can cause a web server to interpret them differently than the client does.

Server-Side Request Forgery

Allow an attacker to make unauthorized requests to internal or external network resources on behalf of the vulnerable server or application.

Cross-Site Scripting

Allow an attacker to inject malicious code into a web page viewed by other users and take unauthorized actions on their behalf.