

JavaScript is a dynamic, high-level programming language widely used for web development, enabling interactive and dynamic content on websites and applications, both on the client and server side.

let and var

let toto = "xyz";
window.toto; // undefined

var tata = "abc";
window.tata; // "abc"


Conditional Property Access

Known as “optional chaining”

Check the left-hand side reference to see if it’s null’ish (null or undefined). If so, the rest of the property access expression is short-circuited (skipped), and undefined is returned as the result (even if it was null that was actually encountered!). Otherwise, ?. will access the property just as a normal . operator would.

let profile = { address: { city: "Paris" } };
profile?.address?.city      // "Paris"

let emptyProfile = { address: null };   // Uncaught TypeError: emptyProfile.address is null
emptyProfile?.address?.city // undefined

Deleting Properties

let user = {name: "xanhacks", password: "admin"};
user.hasOwnProperty("password")  // true

user.password = undefined;
user.hasOwnProperty("password"); // true

delete user.password
user.hasOwnProperty("password"); // false


Inspirated from JSFuck.

Fuzzing can help you find some payloads, here is a little script that might help you:

const charset = ["[", "]", "(", ")", "+", "!"];

function execAndCheck(code) {
	try {
		if (eval(code).includes("e")) {
	} catch {}

function fuzzing(code, charset, max_length) {
	if (code.length > max_length) return;

	charset.forEach((char) => {
		return fuzzing(code + char, charset, max_length);

fuzzing("", charset, 7);
console.log("fuzzing done!");

Example of payloads where the return value contains the letter e:

> []+![]
> []+!+[]
> []+!![]
> ![]+[]

Create the “alert” string using “true” and “false”:

(![]+[])[+!![]] => "false"[1] => "a"
(![]+[])[+!![]+(+!![])] => "false"[2] => "l"
(!![]+[])[+!![]+(+!![])+(+!![])] => "true"[3] => "e"
(!![]+[])[+!![]] => "true"[1] => "r"
(!![]+[])[+![]] => "true"[0] => "t"

"alert" => (![]+[])[+!![]]+(![]+[])[+!![]+(+!![])]+(!![]+[])[+!![]+(+!![])+(+!![])]+(!![]+[])[+!![]]+(!![]+[])[+![]]

Code execution by accessing the constructor of a function:

[]["at"] // shortest function name
> function at()

[]["at"]["constructor"] // unable to create "__proto__" or "prototype" string
> function Function()

[]["at"]["constructor"]("alert()")() // evaluates code
> *pop an alert()*

Create string “at” and “constructor”:

> function at()

> function at() {\n    [native code]\n}
> function at() {\n    [native code]\n}false

> "c"
// same for o, n, (, )

Python script that generates the payload for an alert:

E = {
	"a": "(![]+[])[+!![]]",
	"l": "(![]+[])[+!![]+!![]]",
	"e": "(!![]+[])[+!![]+!![]+!![]]",
	"r": "(!![]+[])[+!![]]",
	"t": "(!![]+[])[+![]]",
	"s": "(![]+[])[+!![]+!![]+!![]]",
	"u": "(!![]+[])[+!![]+!![]]"
E["alert"] = E["a"] + "+" + E["l"] + "+" + E["e"] + "+" + E["r"] + "+" + E["t"]
E["at"] = E["a"] + "+" + E["t"]

E["c"] = "([][" + E["at"] + "]+![])[+!![]+!![]+!![]]"
E["o"] = "([][" + E["at"] + "]+![])[+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]]"
E["n"] = "([][" + E["at"] + "]+![])[+!![]+(+!![])]"
E["("] = "([][" + E["at"] + "]+![])[+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]]"
E[")"] = "([][" + E["at"] + "]+![])[+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]]"
E["()"] = E["("] + "+" + E[")"]

E["constructor"] = E["c"] + "+" + E["o"] + "+" + E["n"] + "+" + E["s"] + "+" + E["t"] + "+" + E["r"] + "+" + E["u"] + "+" + E["c"] + "+" + E["t"] + "+" + E["o"] + "+" + E["r"]

print("[][" + E["at"] + "][" + E["constructor"] + "](" + E["alert"] + "+" + E["()"] + ")()")

Final payload (776 chars) to trigger an alert():


Bypass characters

[[]==0]+[]          // "true"
[]==0+``            // "false"
1E1000+``           // "Infinity" 
``["fontcolor"]``   // '<font color=""></font>'
[]["entries"]``+``  // "[object Array Iterator]" 
20["toString"](21)  // "k"
document.body["attributes"][0] // class="docs single"
